Trusted by

Niklas Zeitlin
Chef E-commerce,
An extensively integrated off-platform experience leads to the highest conversion rates on the retailer's platform. Recipes contribute to a higher average order value, reaching $100 with Northfork compared to $75 with a competitor.
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Leveraging Northfork technology has broadened usage opportunities. Kavall experienced a notable surge with a 2.4x increase in average order value and a remarkable 110% boost in customer retention and loyalty compared to shoppers who did not utilize recipes.
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Maximize your media revenue by leveraging brand promotion opportunities with our network. You can now sponsor any recipe and unlock its potential. Our offerings include:
Sponsored ingredient list
Sponsored meal planner
Sponsored recipe grid
Commercialize shoppable recipes across the user journey on any platform
Browse dozens of templates. Click, duplicate, customize.
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Enrich the user experience with recipe and meal shopping on platform
Recipe filters/search
Meal planning using filters or budget
Auto-removing household staples
De-duping shared ingredients
Recipe and product recommendations in cart
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Coop has prioritized recipe sharing but faced a challenge linking inspiration to shopping. With Northfork technology, they now see an avarage of 3 recipes per cart, a 14% increase in cart value and recipes in 17% of carts.
Shopping with recipes resulted in a 14% increase in carts compared to shopping without recipes.
Enhanced Shopper Commitment