Embracing the benefits of cooking at home
Mar 29, 2022
Louise Taylor
Has being stuck at home during the pandemic levelled up your cooking skills? If so, you're not alone. A Hunter survey found that 75% of people feel more confident in the kitchen than they did pre-pandemic. Overall, 55% of people are cooking at home more than they did before Covid - and 51% plan to continue doing so.
From inspiration to enjoyment
People now cook an average of nine meals per week at home, with 73% reporting that they are enjoying cooking more than previously.
However, the rise of home cooking is not without its pain points. 43% of people want to spend less time planning meals and 69% wish it took less time to cook a healthy meal.
With these motivators pushing them, many shoppers are turning to content producers and social media for recipe inspiration. Increasingly, retailers are realising that they can help consumers here too.
"Shoppable recipes are an excellent source of inspiration," points out Erik Wallin, Co-founder of Northfork. "Retailers can easily serve up recipes that prioritise healthy eating, lower cooking times and other factors, meaning they can remove pain points from both the meal planning and the cooking experience."
Multiple benefits
Providing shoppable recipes also means that retailers can make the process of buying groceries faster. This means they can deliver an enhanced shopping experience while also meeting consumers' needs around meal inspiration.
"Retailers have the chance to reduce friction from the shopping and cooking experience in one go, while also encouraging families to try new recipes," continues Wallin. "It's the ideal solution for supporting a long-term increase in home cooking and helping people to live more healthily and cost-effectively."
This certainly fits with consumers' plans. 58% want to continue cooking from home to save money, while 52% want to do so to eat more healthily. In both cases, shoppable recipes meet families' needs perfectly.