Why Mobile Must Be At The Heart Of Grocery Retailers Strategies
13 oct 2021
Erik Wallin
You've designed a fancy new website that delivers a great user experience. Excellent! But how does it perform on mobile?
The importance of designing for mobile
According to the What Consumers Expect from Their Grocery Shopping Experiences report released in August 2021, 55% of people who buy groceries online do so through their mobile devices. So unless your site is mobile-friendly, you could be losing out.
Tapping for groceries is certainly appealing. It means shoppers can fill their cart at any time or location. It also means that retailers need to allow for different shopping styles, as Northfork Co-founder Erik Wallin explains:
"Buying groceries using your mobile means you can add to your basket on the go. As such, retailers need to enable shoppers to use their basket as a shopping list. That way, they can add items as they realise they need them. Then, when they're ready to do the weekly shop, all those incidental items will already be in the basket. It's convenient for the customer and delivers a higher basket value for the retailer."
Harnessing huge potential
For retailers who get their mobile strategy right, the potential is enormous. Northfork's Erik Wallin explains:
"Online grocery shopping has exploded and this growth will continue. 70% of new online shoppers say they will continue doing their grocery shopping online. Being able to use your mobile device is table stakes. So is being able to populate your cart throughout the week, and to fill that cart quickly with inspiring dishes.
"The market is already moving towards shoppable recipes and meal plans, enabling consumers to fill their carts faster and to enjoy the process of deciding what to eat. Retailers who can turn that inspiration into shoppable, mobile-friendly solutions will be in a strong position to harness the huge potential of the growth of online grocery shopping."