Northfork and Vimax Media Collaborate to Revolutionize Recipe-to-Cart Shopping Experience
5 jun 2023
Louise Taylor
Northfork and Vimax Media have joined forces to establish a seamless shopping experience from recipe to cart. As two companies with a shared mission, our goal is to ensure that your products make their way into customers' shopping carts.
Vimax Media is a highly regarded agency known for creating captivating and personalized food and recipe content. They specialize in delivering cutting-edge content and marketing solutions that meet your brand's standards and effectively engage your target audience.
Combining customized recipes and AI technology is a smart way to make things more convenient for customers and increase sales for businesses. It involves sharing useful content and making the shopping process easier, which helps keep customers engaged and loyal.
Jeff Scheiber, the CEO of Vimax Media, highlights the transformative power of recipes for brands. Through the creation of chef-developed recipes, accompanied by enticing photos and videos, we have witnessed the ability to inspire customers to explore new culinary experiences. Collaborating with Northfork to enable recipe shopping provides a direct path for shoppers to reach the checkout aisle. We take pride in utilizing this partnership to support the growth and success of our clients.